Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
The Basics Show Name: Battle of the Roses Barn Name: Tudor Age: Foal Gender: Colt Breed: Arabian Breed Registry: AHA
The Appearance Coat Color: Bay Stable Color: Burlywood Estimated Height: 15.0 HH
The Personality Personality: Tudor's very, very treat motivated. Want him to stand still? He'll do it for a carrot. Anything else? Carrot, and he'll do it. But he doesn't just work for carrots... Cucumbers, a handful of grass, peppermints, anything that he can eat, he'll work for. (Once he's weaned. Before that, he'll work for scratches too)
The History Pedigree: Battle of Memories X RMS Sensation
The Basics Show Name: Invisible in the Shadows Barn Name: Sybil Age: Foal Gender: Filly Breed: Paint Horse Breed Registry: APHA
The Appearance Coat Color: Sorrel Overo (Splash) Stable Color: Medium Purple Estimated Height: 15 HH
The Personality Personality: Luckily enough, Sybil's not as nippy as her mother, although she is rather needy, and can be found trying to butt up to anyone that enters the pasture. She catches onto things quickly, although if she'll do them... That's another question.
The History Pedigree: Yin and Yang X The Pumpkin Carver
The Technicalities Owner: BRRA Student: @atomicwoman
The Basics Show Name: Caffeine Burst Barn Name: Bura Age: Foal Gender: Filly Breed: RMH/Morgan Breed Registry: KMSHA / RMH "grade mare"
The Appearance Coat Color: Chocolate (Silver Dapple) Stable Color: Orange Red Estimated Height: 15.2 HH
The Personality Personality: Bura is definitely the cheeky one in the lineup this year. She's smart enough to watch what people are doing, and to turn her intelligence to the rope holding her.
The History Pedigree: Root Beer Float X Insonne Sta'Notte
The Technicalities Owner: BRRA Student: Sebastian Walsh
The Personality Personality: Lapin can be pretty nippy with those that she doesn't know, and her attitude turns quite a few away. However, beneath that angry exterior, there's a loyal horse that would follow those that earn her trust to the ends of the world and even beyond, should they ask it of her, and show her the way.
The History History: Born in a PMU barn. Was rescued at the age of two weeks from a slaughter auction along with the other four foals for sale at that time. Brought to a farriery stable to be rescued and adopted out, but after the death of the farrier, they were given to Tux. Pedigree: Unknown
The Basics Show Name: Path of Light Barn Name: Hazy Age: Yearling Gender: Gelding Breed: Haflinger Breed Registry: AHR
The Appearance Coat Color: Flaxen Chestnut Stable Color: Dark Olive Green Estimated Height: 14.1 HH
The Personality Personality: This colt doesn't really connect to anyone. He's sweet with everyone, but he's just as happy to see a random barn hand passing by as the person he's been working with. He can be a bit airheaded about things, and often needs to be reminded of what he's already learned.
The History History: Born in a PMU barn. Was rescued at the age of two weeks from a slaughter auction along with the other four foals for sale at that time. Brought to a farriery stable to be rescued and adopted out, but after the death of the farrier, they were given to Tux. Pedigree: Unknown
The Personality Personality: This little one will always be hanging out near the people. He's very curious, and wouldn't be above sticking his nose into your pocket, in search of treats, or just to steal that pen that you've kept in there. He is relatively stubborn, though, and doesn't appreciate being tied at all.
The History History: Born in a PMU barn. Was rescued at the age of two weeks from a slaughter auction along with the other four foals for sale at that time. Brought to a farriery stable to be rescued and adopted out, but after the death of the farrier, they were given to Tux. Pedigree: Unknown
The Personality Personality: Rain is the laziest of the bunch, and can often be found standing in the shade while others play around. She's known to try and escape being haltered, because she knows that it usually means something that she's going to have to do.
The History History: Born in a PMU barn. Was rescued at the age of two weeks from a slaughter auction along with the other four foals for sale at that time. Brought to a farriery stable to be rescued and adopted out, but after the death of the farrier, they were given to Tux. Pedigree: Unknown
The Personality Personality: Malone is dependable, plodding along. He's not going to make quick leaps of what you expect of him, but if you show him the path enough times, he'll learn it forever. He doesn't have a lot of 'spunk' in him, preferring to plod. It'll get him there in the end, right?
The History History: Born in a PMU barn. Was rescued at the age of two weeks from a slaughter auction along with the other four foals for sale at that time. Brought to a farriery stable to be rescued and adopted out, but after the death of the farrier, they were given to Tux. Pedigree: Unknown
The Technicalities Owner: Tobias Xayarath Student: @running5 & Martijn van der Berg
Personality>> Pekoe is very shy, but also very smart. He'll figure out most things rather quickly, but doesn't take to things that scare him as quickly. He may not be scared of much, but many things do unsettle him.
Basic History>> Brought in from a nurse-mare rescue (mare was bred to begin lactating to nourish a more valuable foal). Through good relations with the rescue network, all five were brought in together by Tux.
Barn Name>> Rooibos Age>> Yearling Sex>> Filly Breed>> Arabian/QH
Coat Colour>> Bay Stable Colour>> Bright Purple with Grey trim Estimated Adult Height>> 14.3 hh
Personality>> Rooibos is rather independent, and will stick her nose into anything. However, she can be very sensitive, and is already rather good at sensing reproach in a person's voice, and can get sulky if she's spoken to harshly.
Basic History>> Brought in from a nurse-mare rescue (mare was bred to begin lactating to nourish a more valuable foal). Through good relations with the rescue network, all five were brought in together by Tux.
Barn Name>> Ceylon Age>> Yearling Sex>> Filly Breed>> TWH/Paint
Coat Colour>> Seal Brown Tobiano Stable Colour>> Dove Grey with Hot Pink trim Estimated Adult Height>> 15.2 hh
Personality>> Ceylon is still a little fidgety when asked to stand on one spot for too long. This happy-go-lucky filly can be rather spunky, so a patient, calm hand is the best for her.
Basic History>> Brought in from a nurse-mare rescue (mare was bred to begin lactating to nourish a more valuable foal). Through good relations with the rescue network, all five were brought in together by Tux.
Personality>> Earl is cocky and overly confident in himself. This colt loves to run and play with whoever he can get. The little boy is still a bit rough and so isn’t let around young kids. The barn cats don’t exactly like to sleep in his stall.
Basic History>> Brought in from a nurse-mare rescue (mare was bred to begin lactating to nourish a more valuable foal). Through good relations with the rescue network, all five were brought in together by Tux.
Barn Name>> Matcha Age>> Yearling Sex>> Filly Breed>> Paint X
Coat Colour>> Bay Tobiano Stable Colour>> Lime Green with Lavender trim Estimated Adult Height>> 15.0 hh
Personality>> This little girl is always getting into trouble, although she's a love to be led. She would rather be exploring the big wide world than be tied up, and she needs work on proper grooming manners.
Basic History>> Brought in from a nurse-mare rescue (mare was bred to begin lactating to nourish a more valuable foal). Through good relations with the rescue network, all five were brought in together by Tux.