Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Post by Sarah Worthington on Aug 13, 2015 17:56:35 GMT -8
Sarah grabbed the keys to her truck, and left the apartment after greeting some of the students in her house. She needed to buy grain for Lace, and maybe, walk around town as well or just look at what else the feed store might have. Driving out of Blue Ridge Academy, she started the drive into town. Looking at a map before leaving campus, it looked to be about the same time it took for her go into town back in Texas. In fact, it may even be a little shorter.
Turning the radio on, she quickly changed stations as Sugar came on. That was one song that she had heard way too much over the summer break, and one that she wasn't eager to listen to ever again. She smiled as a song that she liked came onto the radio.
Parking the truck in the parking lot of the feed store, she took the key out of the ignition and locked the doors to the truck. She entered the feed store, and glanced at the layout. It seemed that they also sold tack, maybe she would look at the tack once she grabbed the grain Lace needed. Grabbing a flatbed cart, she headed back towards grain. Perusing the grain options, she saw the grain that she normally bought and grabbed two bags of it. Placing the 50 lb. grain bag on top of the other grain, she made sure that neither bag of grain would fall off the flatbed cart so she wouldn't have to put them back on again.