Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Classes would be starting soon and that meant that so would sports. Even though swimming was not a year round thing, Chase liked to keep in shape with more than just riding. Yes, of course, riding was his first sport but swimming was a close second and he liked to think sometimes they were both at the same level of favoritism, but more times than not, riding won out. With gym shorts, a muscle shirt, a towel and a pair of flip flops Chase set off for the gym.
He knew that since it was still summer he would run the risk of having to share the pool with people who were there just to swim and cool off, but then again people also did that in the river so maybe he would get lucky and have the whole pool to himself. He laughed at the idea but to his surprise there was no one in the pool, much less in the gymnasium itself. "Guess it's my lucky day." Throwing his towel to the side along with his flip flops and street clothes he made sure he had his cap and googles on.
With the pool being inside it was always lukewarm which was a blessing and a curse depending on the kind of day it was outside. After doing some stretches Chase jumped in, cannonball style. Since there wasn't anyone else in the pool he didn't seem to think anyone would mind, besides what's a little cannonball going to hurt, nothing. Once he got settled in he began his in water warm-ups.