Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Dan had picked up on Hannah's hint, which was take the dog for a run while I am gone, and glared at the dog. "Why did I even think about getting you?" He scratched the dog's stomach for a while, smiling as the black, wolfish dog kicked his back legs out. With a childish sigh, he dragged himself to his room to change into running clothes. "Watch," he said as he walked out of his room with a jacket, in case it rained. "I'll end up doing all the running and you'll quit." He muttered as he slipped on the dog's harness, which Taz wasn't to fond of.
After wrestling his dog into the harness, Dan walked to the track with his jacket, a water bottle, and a tennis ball in hand. Taz seemed content with following beside him until they got next to the bleachers and simply laid down. The teacher played Spotify on his phone, slipping it into his arm band, and grabbed the leash. They only managed two laps around the track before the Schipperke gave up and laid down on top of Dan's jacket. "Baby." He left the dog to lay in the sun and relax while he continued running laps around the track.
Once he couldn't breathe any more and had gotten his fill of running in, Dan sat down next to his dog. Laying flat out on his back felt nice until he could feel dog breath on his face. Rolling his eyes, he threw the ball across the field several times, getting a nice game of fetch going.