Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
While she fought off the pain and struggled with her daily routine, her roommate had gotten her to agree to a girl's night. Keri pulled on her coral top, which surprisingly went well with her light blue pants, giving her a much too look happy in the middle of winter. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed, fussing with her hair a bit before grabbing her shoes in her left hand and pulling them on before taking her phone and purse, then turning to see if Sam was ready yet. The way her days had been going since the accident, she was almost smiling genuinely again. The arm sling had been causing her trouble, but she'd found a way to make it a bit less dreary, sealing it in glitter and giving it a shine. She just hoped she wouldn't be so sad all throughout the night. Sam deserved her to be happy, not crabby abby. She double checked the movie times as she waited for Sam to finish and reminded herself that they had plenty of time to get into town and to the theatre. "Have you seen letters to Juliette, yet?" She asked her with a raised eyebrow, remembering when she'd first seen it, thinking it to be a bit cheesy, but still sweet.
Last Edit: Feb 13, 2013 19:10:09 GMT -8 by Deleted
Sam let the steam of the shower warm her as she stood in front of the mirror, staring for a while at her reflection. Brown section of soaking wet hair sat over top of her orange camisole. Unbeknownst to her she was taking a bit longer to get ready than her roommate. She flipped her hair over so she was bending over and dried her hair furiously, leaving it fluffy and in knots. Sam walked out of the bathroom to retrieve her blue sweater. Once she had her sweater on she noticed Keri checking to see if she was ready. "Should I go like this?" Sam threw in a few humorous poses in and some hair flips.
With a grin she quickly untangled her hair and braided it down her back in a neat fishtail, not wanting to delay her roommate any longer. "Um, no I don't think I have." Sam did her best to recall any movie named Letters to Juliette but nothing came up. "What's it about, other than letters?" She slipped on a pair of earrings as she looked at Keri with a smile. Not one piece of her outfit matched in anyway. She had on a blue sweater, dark washed jeans, orange tank top, bright yellow flats, and bright green earrings. Surprisingly she pulled it off and was proud of it in every way. Over on her bed she grabbed her phone and some money before finally being ready.
Keri grinned slightly, laughing quietly at her roommate's silly hair flips and joke. She nodded, her eye brows raising with a smile. "Oh, definitely. You'll get all the boys." She giggled, closing out of the movie times on her phone just as it buzzed with another text. She ignored it, just as she did with almost all of the texts she got these days, considering they were almost all from people she never wanted to see again. She really needed to change her number... like really.
She looked back up as Sam asked her about the movie and she thought for a moment, silent. "Well, it's definitely for the hopeless romantics... you'll know the ending before you get 15 minutes into the movie... every line is totally predictable... and you'll most likely be 'shipping' the two main characters, knowing you." She said to her with a smirk as she double checked herself in the mirror. It wasn't like she'd really tried, but it was more than she'd tried in a few good weeks. "I wonder how many people can actually say they did their hair with one hand." She said with a raised eyebrow and a sigh.
Sam grinned softly at Keri's reply to her antics. "I look good." She grinned jokingly at her roommate as she finished her routine of getting ready. It just made her feel better to have Keri smiling and happy again so she would gladly take her time and be a loud and proud dork.
She posed a few times in front of a large mirror that she had bought before hearing anything in the room. A laugh escaped her as the movie was described for her. "Oh my, that sounds absolutely horrible!" She laughed once more before continuing on, "See, there are two kinds of movies that I watch; either they are really good, or they are so bad they are good. I think it fits in the latter." She tone made it seem as though she was kidding, and no matter what she was going to watch it.
Rolling her eyes at herself for almost running into the corner of the dresser she gave a sarcastic remark. "Hmm, one handed ninja chicks?" The brunette gave a smirk as she came closer to Keri. "It's looks good. You did a good job." She was a bit more serious but was nearly bouncing off the walls from where she stood, though she did her best to contain it. "So, we almost ready to head out?"
Keri simply laughed at her roommate, and shook her head as she closed out the texts on her phone. They were good friends, but Keri was glad that Sam was still okay with her after everything she'd been doing to herself... or everything she hadn't been doing. It meant a lot to her that she could actually call someone her friend for once, and those past few weeks had proven it to her.
She laughed at Sam's response to her description of the movie. "Oh, yeah, you'll hate it so much that it'll be one of your favorites. I promise." She said to her with a nod, tucking one of her wavy strands of hair behind her ear. She hated the first time she saw it, but she had to admit that it wasn't a horrible movie, just too sappy. "It's just a perfect chick flick." She sighed.
Keri laughed at Sam's joke, taking it as a compliment. "Oh, why thank you. How'd you know I had a night job?" She laughed, fixing her shirt which she feared would get caught in her belt at some point. "Thanks, it'd probably look better if I'd done it right, though." She said with a shrug. She could tell Sam was ready to go, by the way her body seemed to move faster then her skin would let her. "Yeah, let's head over." She said to her with a nod.