Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Finally after driving across almost three states he had reached Kentucky. Two horses in the trailer and his dog in the front seat, the thirty year old was extremely excited for his new job. He had an idea of where the academy was and in what town but to the cooridnates, no he probably needed to look for signs. It took a couple hours to actually get to Blue Ridge and then another fifteen minutes to find the academy. Once he did he pulled into the driveway and saw the main building. Keystone was sitting upright and his tongue was lolling out, ready to run wild. Pulling the truck to a stop Aaron killed the engine and pulled the keys out of the ingition and pockedted them.
Opening his door, the Ridgeback tried to push his way out. Although he was going to leave him in the truck for the time being, Aaron decided to let him out. Clipping his leash to the leather collar the dog hopped eagarly out and pulled on the leash trying to snif at everything. "C'mon Keystone let's go check in." Stepping inside the building he saw a blonde behind the desk. "Hello, I'm the new farrier, Aaron Wilson."