Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Post by Adelaide Strauss on Dec 28, 2018 17:09:00 GMT -8
The weather was utterly miserable outside, which meant in turn that Adelaide had to remain inside, and when the blonde found herself indoors for any elongated period of time, she inevitably found herself attracted to her music classroom. Of her two subjects, music was by far the easier as a method for entertaining oneself; monologues were all very well, but there was only so much that could be done. And so Liza was in the music room, fingers dancing elegantly across the keys of the piano as she sang softly.
"This is the end, Hold your breath and count to ten, Feel the earth move, and then, Hear my heart burst again.