Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Post by Katherine Carr on Feb 5, 2018 13:54:34 GMT -8
Katherine released a long breath as she wiped her forehead, only afterward thinking about the pen in her hand and hoping that she hadn't just drawn on herself. She shook her head, as she didn't have time to worry about that now, as she needed to get through the rest of the stock that she was counting and finish filling out the form on the clipboard she was also holding.
Moving over to another bin, she opened the lid and once again began to sort through the items in the bin, and counting through each of the different items as she sorted them, keeping a tally of each.
Post by Morgan Miles on Feb 6, 2018 7:58:16 GMT -8
Morgan was wandering, trying to get to know her new home. She had made her way over to the other barn, intending to take a look around. She was currently walking around the barn, poking her head into open stalls and taking in all the gorgeous horses who resided here. Out of curiosity, she took a quick glance into the tack room.
She wasn't honestly expecting this tack room to be different at all than the one at the other barn. What reason would there be for it to differ? And, for the most part, it didn't. The only thing interesting about the tack room was the woman sitting in the middle of it, surrounded by bins. She looked older - not a student at least - and tired.
Morgan supposed, down deep, the right thing to do would be to see if she needed help. Not that Morgan particularly wanted to hold a clipboard or count stirrup leathers. However, offering to help would be the decent human thing to do. And, thinking about it, any relations she could build with staff would be a good thing, right?
Post by Katherine Carr on Feb 6, 2018 13:27:37 GMT -8
While counting, Katherine also used this as a chance to make sure that the things to be repaired hadn't been thrown in with the spare tack, and those bits that did need repairing were thrown into a plastic bin by the door, which would go to her office when she had finished here and she would work out from there what could be repaired and what needed to be given away - she threw as little away as possible, as even worn leathers could be put into use somewhere one man's trash was another's treasure and all that jazz!
She paused mid-count at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, and raised an eyebrow before she shook her head and gave the girl a warm smile. "Thank you, but no." She said, her tone carrying the warmth of her smile. "As fun as the job looks, it's one that's just easier done solo." She also didn't have any horses arriving in her barn, so this girl must be the new arrival from Gwen's barn. "Is your gelding settling in well?"
Post by Morgan Miles on Feb 8, 2018 20:02:57 GMT -8
Morgan gave a small smile.
"He is, thank you. He's out in one of the pastures getting acquainted right now."
She turned, suddenly feeling a bit awkward here. She wasn't quite sure why she'd come in, and now standing here seemed intrusive. She felt her cheeks burn a little, which was unusual - normally situations like this didn't bother Morgan that much.
"I guess I'll leave you to it then?"
(sorry it's so short ew)
Last Edit: Feb 8, 2018 20:09:27 GMT -8 by Morgan Miles