Blue Ridge is a fictional town located deep in the heart of Kentucky. It is home to one of the most well known equestrian academies in the United States. Students and staff from all over the world join the academy for what it has to offer. Do you have what it takes to join us and learn from the Academy?
Smilys were made by Sapphire Heaven of LiveJournal.
The mini-profile hover follows a tutorial by Kagney of Adoxography.
Photos in the skin used under CC from Flickr.
Once Bobby had had his fill of grass and was finished exploring Pasture three, Tal led him back down the pathway towards the barns. It was time to show Bobby where his new stall was.
"Welcome to the White Oak Barn, Bobby." Tal opened the barn door and led Bobby inside.
Looking around, Tal was pleased to see the interior of the barn was well-lit and relatively tidy, nothing on the floor that people or horses could trip over. There were good-sized stalls on each side. She wondered which one was Bobby's. "I think you'll be quite comfortable here, Bobby."
Last Edit: Jul 10, 2019 17:49:58 GMT -8 by Deleted
Post by Katherine Carr on Jul 10, 2019 22:11:49 GMT -8
With clipboard in her hand, Katherine walked down the barn. She made various notes about the horses she walked passed, and other notes about the stalls that were still empty, either awaiting the arrival of their occupant, or just the fact that they were empty.
She looked up as she heard the approach of a horse, a smile already in place. "This must be Bobby, which would make you Talira." She said warmly. "And right now, you're both looking a little lost. I'm Ms Carr, the barn manager." Her smile deepened as she gestured down the barn. "This way." She turned and led the way down to the airy stall that had the Arabian's name on the door. "This will be Bobby's stall while you're at Blue Ridge. Do you have any questions?"
Tal and Bobby followed Ms Carr to a spacious and very nice-looking stall. There was plenty of comfortable bedding on the floor, a large water bucket in one corner and an attractive gold name-plate on the door.
"What do you think, Bobby? Do you like your stall?" Bobby nodded enthusiastically.
Tal opened the stall door. Bobby wandered in and began sniffing around, investing his new surroundings. "It's very nice to meet you, Ms Carr, thanks for your help. Is there a place where I can store Bobby's saddle and riding equipment?"
Post by Katherine Carr on Jul 11, 2019 1:00:23 GMT -8
Katherine's eyebrow arched at the question, as it was worded the way she would expect from someone new to horses, rather than being asked where the tack room was, but she guessed this was why she had taken on this job. "The tack room is just down there and on your left." She said as she pointed. "You will find saddle racks and bridle hooks on the wall with a name plate similar to the one on the door here, where you can put his tack." She pointed to the number at the top of the stall door. "In the tack room, one of the lockers will have the same number your stall, this is where you can store everything else you need to store. We have an automatic watering system, the tap for it is here, for when you need to clean it."
Tal smiled and listened politely as Ms Carr pointed out the Tack Room and explained the watering system. It was very different from what she'd had at farm, where she's simply stored the riding equipment in boxes in a shed. "The barn on my family's farm is just a simple one, so we don't have a Tack Room yet. We store our riding equipment in a tin shed. Anyway, thanks for showing me where everything is, you've been very helpful."
Giving Bobby a scratch under his chin, Tal filled up his water bucket. "I'll be back later, Bobby. Just going to get something to eat then we can go for a ride on one of the trails."